Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Listen to your Inner Voice........

Hello my loves, wanted to share my thoughts on why your inner voice is so important to listen to....

You know, I used to care so deeply about what other people thought of me, so much so that I'd try so hard to be there for everyone. I would want so badly to be in everyone's corner fighting their demons because then hopefully I'd be seen as a 'nice, good, kindly person'. 

But the one thing I have realised deeply, over time, is that whilst I was rushing around, trying to be a million different things for a million different people that all I was really doing was not loving myself enough to know that I didn't need to prove anything to anyone.

So I'll share what I found out when I started listening to that little soft voice way down deep inside of myself today...

Did you know I talk, (giggles) too many, many things worldly and otherworldly.. I do things that many people deem as weird or unusual. It's a given that some people aren't going to like me just because of that.

And you know what, my loves? I LOVE being ME so much now that I finally don't care if someone doesn't like what I do. Does it hurt if someone is mean or unkind? 

Sure, it can do, because I am only human, and I have feelings just like everyone else. But if someone wants to waste their precious energies on being mean it says far more about their own state of mind and character than anything else, doesn't it, my loves?

So on the flip side, even the people who DO support me are so very much appreciated and loved by me, but they are not the source of my self-worth.

It is great to be loved and accepted but if we rely on someone else's opinion to define ourselves then it's going to be pretty rough ride on the merry go round of life, isn't it?

The bottom line is I cannot do a single thing about what people think about me.

But I can do is take responsibility for my own choices and actions and how I want to be in this world. 

Then trust that by being authentically, lovingly and unapologetically me, other people who resonate with me with me will always be by my side. 

So... what would YOU do if you didn't care so much about what other people thought? 

How would you express your heart? What decisions would you make? 

So take some time out today or tomorrow and try and listen to your inner voice...

Peace Love and Light Always,


Monday, 27 June 2016

Train your Thoughts......

Did you know that you are the only one that can train your thoughts. 

You are the only one that gets caught in a thought, you are the only one that can change what you’re thinking.

Most people, most of the time float through life letting thoughts come to them, lazily letting negative thoughts rule their lives.

It’s not until we see that our thoughts truly create our realities, and that we have 100% control over what we think, that we can begin to take responsibility and see the incredible, blissful freedom of this Truth.

Peace, Love and Light Always,


Friday, 24 June 2016

Thyme for Changes...............

I have noticed a lot of posts here today stating, that they are uncertain and in a state of grieving along with many others in the U.K. 

People are still reeling from shock and surprise at the Referendums outcome….. I wasn’t I could feel the waves of energy that started way back, and I was never unsure that the people of this Great Country would turn out to vote.  72% in actual figures, that is the highest turnout I can recall in my merger few decades of knowledge.

Mmmmm, So that gave me food for thought…and as always I would like to share my non-judgemental and peaceful thoughts with you all.  

Many say people voted through fear and followed like sheep, ‘Better safe than sorry’; but really each and every voter out there voted for what THEY thought based on the information THEY were able to gather together to make the best informed decision for THEM.

So, as a democracy we should respect all the voters on both sides and start to work together with renewed interest towards all our futures.

We need to show more willingness to allow the existence of opinions that one may not necessarily agree with.  We must all show more interest, enthusiasm and concern for our government and their future plans.

As I say this is only my personal view, I think we all could do with stepping back today, take a deep breath and let it out slowly.  Let the dust settle in Westminster and watch the stormy clouds dissipate as we focus our energy of what’s to come.

Change has arrived but it is on a slow a steady steed, let’s see what the coming months hold and put your fears, for today at least to rest…….

Peace Love and Light Always,


Monday, 20 June 2016

Unbecoming Everything.......

Happy Solstice and Full Moon to you! 

Apparently the Solstice and the Full Moon so closely together for many years and won't again for a long time. 

I wish to share the following words and thoughts, that were shared with me on this first new morning of the summer Solstice. From a beautiful Angel on Earth.

I am not an astrologer so I'm going to pretend I know exactly what it all means but I do know this powerful point (the longest or shortest day depending on where you are in the world) very often shakes us up in a big way! 

The following quote made me stop and pause for quite a while, I even meditated on this..... And the following questions emerged from my sub conscious.

Who are you before someone told you who you were? 
What walls did you build to keep you safe that you are now ready to knock down? 
What are you protecting yourself from? 

Of course, there is no one answer to all of this. You like all of us, are forever evolving but don't ever be afraid to ask yourself questions now - to question what you want and who you are - and to peel the layers of 'stuff' that has suffocated you. 

It isn't comfortable but it is way more uncomfortable to stay stuck. 

And remember, it's not a case of whether you are amazing, powerful and deeply loveable. 

It's that you have simply forgotten that you are. 

Peace, light and love always,


Thursday, 16 June 2016

Looking for Changes.......

*looks to the skies and feels the warmth of the sun dissipating the final few clouds blurring my view*

Hello my lovelies.... How are you all doing this day?

Well my thoughts on this day have been a pondering; We all have people in our lives who are really hard to be around. They challenge us, rub us the wrong way, put us on the defensive and can if you let them make you feel downright crappy.

But you know what my loves, this old Arc does not like feeling crappy. I don't like thinking negative thoughts about anyone or thing in my life(especially when it's against my will.. like I just can't help it). I detest feeling annoyed or frustrated, so I always look for the lesson to be learned and finding a reason for it to change.

In other words my friends, I DO look for how I can change and where I can grow from it. Even if it's excruciating for my inner Arc.
We all have people in our lives who, if we let them, just make our flesh itch. They make us want to scream with annoyance at their actions and words, sometimes.

BUT.... They were put in my path to help me refine that part of me, to help my spirit grow and see where I am listening to my ego rather than listening to my spirit....

What I choose to do is see that person as this separate entity, who doesn’t like me, who makes a point to tell me with words, glances and insinuations each time we’re around each other- that’s ego. I’m seeing them as separate.

When I see that person as part of the Spirit that is in all, who is also battling their own ego, who perhaps doesn’t like Themselves, who probably speaks to their own self with negativity and loathing-
I feel sadness and compassion. I see us all as One, battling the same battles, feeling frustrated and scared.

The thing is, it’s not about them. It’s about YOU.

Even if they feel the same way about you (which is really none of your business) all you’re working with and have control over is your feelings about them.

You can’t control them or their actions, you can’t change anything but yourself and your own reaction.

So finally my loves, After you’ve changed the way you feel about them and planned (and actually visualised) future encounters going well, get out of Their business and get back in your own. 
If you find yourself thinking, “They should do this or that” or “If only they would change…” you’re in their business, and you’re ignoring your own.

Your business (aka your life, goals, emotions, thoughts) needs you to run it to be prosperous and successful. The time you spend in someone else’s will only bring your own to ruin.

When you see your most difficult relationships as your best teachers, you are free.

Peace, love and laughter always my friends.......Arc Morpheus